Thursday, June 18, 2015

Last day!!!

Just a reminder that we will be having our last day of school ice cream sundae party tomorrow at 11:10. Parents are invited!! 
If you have not already dropped off your child's assigned ingredient, please be sure to have it delivered. 
Thank you!!! 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Field day Fun!

What a great day of challenge, working together, and fun!! 

Then in the afternoon...
Measurement fun!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Another favorite moment!

Collecting gems and running through the silt was a great treat. 

We even got to take three gems home! Thank you Desert of Maine. 

Desert of Maine

What a great day! 
I was able to catch some of our favorite parts about today. Check them out! 

Can you find the butterfly or butterflies in each picture???
A natural landing. 
Look what just latched on to my back!
Just hanging out. 
This butterfly completely surprised Ms Susan! Moments later-I believe another one joined her. 

Trying to transfer the butterfly from one friend to another. 
Look at this butterfly! 

Reading in the Sun!

Or reading just what you love!!

We recently had a great visit from Librarian, Kim Campbell, talking about the summer reading program happening within the South Portland community library. 

This program sounds motivating and engaging. Remember that just reading a few minutes each day can and will prevent summer reading loss. 

I'd love to hear from students about what they're reading throughout the summer. 
Check it out! 

Busy! Busy!

Second grade families-thank you! 
It has become very busy as we push through all that comes with the end of a school year. I want to thank you for your patience as I know I have not posted on our blog in a few weeks. 

We are continuing to have a blast in all content areas but science certainly seems to be a favorite with your second grader. We've been exploring within our Pebbles, Sand, and Silt unit. It has been so much fun turning these everyday second graders into geologists for at least one hour of their day. 
Observing river rocks. What do we notice before submerging into water? 

We have also taken a closer look at the same river rocks mixed with pebbles and gravel. We worked with strainers observing which rocks fit through a small mesh strainer, medium size, and large mesh. What does this tell us about the rocks? 

Stay tuned for more about the action happening in our second grade.