Here are some highlights from our week.
I can tell time to the nearest quarter hour.
I can count money using coins.
I can collect data.
I can sort and organize numerical data into categories.
I can show my data by using a bar graph.
I am fluent with plus 10 facts.
I can write complete sentences using proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
I can model the writing process with guidance.
I can write a fiction story using a beginning, middle, and end.
I can write with dialogue.
I can write with paragraphs with guidance.
I can read multi syllabic words.
I can identify a verb.
I can use adjectives properly.
I can spell my words their way words correctly.
I can identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
I can identify the main idea of a story with guidance.
I can respond to the 5 W's comprehension questions after hearing/reading a text or passage.
We even began a new science unit getting deeper into insects and ecosystems. We began with collecting background knowledge, establishing our scientist's notebooks, and sketching information we think we know that could teach others.
We took another "gallery walk" to collect new information and generated "I wonder" statements from that.
We partner read to learn new scientific principles and vocabulary.
Stay tuned to see our "KLEWS" chart.